Miley uppträder på Britain's got talent
Efter Mileys uppträdande på Britain's got talent har det blivit stor uppståndelse om den delen av dansen där Mileys ansikte är nära en kvinnlig dansares. Många säger att hon kysser hennes men jag tycker att man tydligt ser att de aldrig nuddar varandras läppar även om man kunde ha visat det lite tydligare. Så här skriver Miley:
Miley posted a blog firing back on the recent news media reports which have tried to create a scandal out of her performance on Britain's Got Talent. We say, Go Miley!
Fri, Jun 4, 2010
To all my fans,
Thank you for all the support you all show me. Sometimes youre the
only thing keepin' me goin' strong!
There are so many people out there that are so negative and always
causing new issues.
I feel like the entertainment industry has become nothing but a
disgusting tabloid.
I performed Cant Be Tamed this week on one of my favorite shows here
in the UK Britians Got Talent. Which is totally true, there were some
amazinnnggg acts (but of course no one could focus on that.)
I had such a blast and was so honored to be on that stage. That being
said during my performance I supposedly "KISSED A GIRL" and this is
the newest thing to cause controversy.
I promise you I did not kiss her and it is ridiculous that two
entertainers cant even rock out with each other without the media
making it some type of story. I really hope my fans are not
disappointed in me because the truth is I did nothing wrong. I got up
there and did my job which is to perform to the best of my ability. I
just want to put an end to this right now and just say one thing to
everyone out there making this performance such a big deal.
Lets start focusing a little less on making up ignorant rumors and
focus a little more on world peace!
We gotta a lot of work to do if we wan this earth to be here much
longer. Lets make a change! It wouldn't hurt the world to show a
little more love.
Man kan inte lägga upp den videon på bloggen, det har blockerats. Men tryck HÄR för att komma till videoklippet.1:04 <-- Där är scenen när man kan tro att Miley kysser en dansare.
Vad tror ni? Kysser hon dansaren??
Miley posted a blog firing back on the recent news media reports which have tried to create a scandal out of her performance on Britain's Got Talent. We say, Go Miley!
Fri, Jun 4, 2010
To all my fans,
Thank you for all the support you all show me. Sometimes youre the
only thing keepin' me goin' strong!
There are so many people out there that are so negative and always
causing new issues.
I feel like the entertainment industry has become nothing but a
disgusting tabloid.
I performed Cant Be Tamed this week on one of my favorite shows here
in the UK Britians Got Talent. Which is totally true, there were some
amazinnnggg acts (but of course no one could focus on that.)
I had such a blast and was so honored to be on that stage. That being
said during my performance I supposedly "KISSED A GIRL" and this is
the newest thing to cause controversy.
I promise you I did not kiss her and it is ridiculous that two
entertainers cant even rock out with each other without the media
making it some type of story. I really hope my fans are not
disappointed in me because the truth is I did nothing wrong. I got up
there and did my job which is to perform to the best of my ability. I
just want to put an end to this right now and just say one thing to
everyone out there making this performance such a big deal.
Lets start focusing a little less on making up ignorant rumors and
focus a little more on world peace!
We gotta a lot of work to do if we wan this earth to be here much
longer. Lets make a change! It wouldn't hurt the world to show a
little more love.
Man kan inte lägga upp den videon på bloggen, det har blockerats. Men tryck HÄR för att komma till videoklippet.1:04 <-- Där är scenen när man kan tro att Miley kysser en dansare.
Vad tror ni? Kysser hon dansaren??
Postat av: Hejjj
Viktigt! jag har en blogg men jag fattar inte hur man lägger upp själva headern. Det är väldigt viktigt och jag frågade er eftersom ni typ är dom ända bloggare som svarar på kommentarer och det är bra super bra!